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Sharm El Sheikh, nestled on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, is renowned for its pristine beaches and world-class diving sites along the Red Sea coast. With its stunning coral reefs and diverse marine life, it’s a haven for underwater enthusiasts, offering unparalleled snorkeling and scuba diving experiences. Beyond its aquatic wonders, Sharm El Sheikh boasts luxurious resorts, vibrant nightlife, and a plethora of dining options showcasing both local and international cuisine. Adventure seekers can also indulge in activities like camel rides in the desert, quad biking, and excursions to nearby attractions like Mount Sinai and St. Catherine’s Monastery. With its year-round sunshine and captivating beauty, Sharm El Sheikh promises an unforgettable escape for travelers seeking relaxation and adventure alike.

Sharm El Sheikh
7 hodiny
Celodenní výlet autobusem do známého národního parku Ras Mohamed, kde budete moci poznat krásu Rudého moře.
Sharm El Sheikh
5 hodiny
Prozkoumejte egyptskou poušť vzrušující jízdou na čtyřkolkách. Navštivte beduínskou vesnici, seznamte se s místní kulturou a projeďte se na velbloudech.
Sharm El Sheikh
3 hodiny
Půldenní výlet na lodi s proskleným dnem.
Sharm El Sheikh
12 hodiny
Užijte si prohlídku kaňonu a Blue Hole s obědem.
Sharm El Sheikh
8 hodiny
Užijte si tento výlet se šnorchlováním v Ras Mohammed národním parku.
Sharm El Sheikh
3 hodiny
Plávání s delfíny v delfináriu.
Sharm El Sheikh
8 hodiny
Celodenní dobrodružství s plaváním, šnorchlováním a možností potápění. Užijte si výlet v Akabském zálivu a nechte se ohromit lagunami a útesy kolem ostrova Tiran s velkým množstvím mořských živočichů.
Embark on a thrilling full-day adventure from Sharm El-Sheikh to explore the natural beauty of Dahab, the Blue Hole, and Abu Galum National Park. Begin your day with an exhilarating parasailing experience over the Red Sea, offering stunning aerial views...
This 8-day Egypt adventure combines ancient wonders with coastal relaxation, beginning with a warm welcome in Sharm El-Sheikh and luxurious seaside accommodations. Explore the iconic temples of Dendera and Abydos, uncover the mysteries of Cairo’s legendary pyramids and Sakkara’s ancient...
Sharm El Sheikh
12 hodiny
Objevte zázraky starověkého Egypta na tomto zábavném a zajímavém celodenním výletu z Sharm El Sheikhu do Luxoru. Po příletu prozkoumáte chrám v Karnaku, impozantní hrobky v Údolí králů, chrám královny Hatšepsut a Memnonovi kolosy.


Sharm El Sheikh, nestled on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, is renowned for its pristine beaches and world-class diving sites along the Red Sea coast. With its stunning coral reefs and diverse marine life, it’s a haven for underwater enthusiasts, offering unparalleled snorkeling and scuba diving experiences. Beyond its aquatic wonders, Sharm El Sheikh boasts luxurious resorts, vibrant nightlife, and a plethora of dining options showcasing both local and international cuisine. Adventure seekers can also indulge in activities like camel rides in the desert, quad biking, and excursions to nearby attractions like Mount Sinai and St. Catherine’s Monastery. With its year-round sunshine and captivating beauty, Sharm El Sheikh promises an unforgettable escape for travelers seeking relaxation and adventure alike.
