What to Bring with You?
- Sports shoes
- Water
- Cash
- Hat
- Sunscreen
- Portable phone charger
Embark on a journey through Egypt's most iconic destinations and hidden gems with this all-inclusive 15-day tour. From the ancient wonders of Cairo and the Pyramids of Giza to the serene beauty of the White Deserts, this tour offers a deep dive into Egypt's rich cultural heritage, history, and natural wonders. Begin in Cairo with the majestic Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum, before heading to Alexandria and historic oases like El Minya, Kharga, Dakhla, and Farafra. After exploring the vast desert landscapes, sail the life-giving Nile River on a luxurious Nile cruise, visiting Luxor, Edfu, Kom Ombo, and Aswan. End your tour in Sharm El Sheikh, where you can relax by the Red Sea, enjoy water sports, and unwind in luxury. This journey is perfect for history enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those looking to experience Egypt's vibrant culture and landscapes in ultimate comfort.
What to Bring with You?
What to Bring with You?
Embark on a journey through Egypt's most iconic destinations and hidden gems with this all-inclusive 15-day tour. From the ancient wonders of Cairo and the Pyramids of Giza to the serene beauty of the White Deserts, this tour offers a deep dive into Egypt's rich cultural heritage, history, and natural wonders. Begin in Cairo with the majestic Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum, before heading to Alexandria and historic oases like El Minya, Kharga, Dakhla, and Farafra. After exploring the vast desert landscapes, sail the life-giving Nile River on a luxurious Nile cruise, visiting Luxor, Edfu, Kom Ombo, and Aswan. End your tour in Sharm El Sheikh, where you can relax by the Red Sea, enjoy water sports, and unwind in luxury. This journey is perfect for history enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those looking to experience Egypt's vibrant culture and landscapes in ultimate comfort.
Embark on a journey through Egypt's most iconic destinations and hidden gems with this all-inclusive 15-day tour. From the ancient wonders of Cairo and the Pyramids of Giza to the serene beauty of the White Deserts, this tour offers a deep dive into Egypt's rich cultural heritage, history, and natural wonders. Begin in Cairo with the majestic Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum, before heading to Alexandria and historic oases like El Minya, Kharga, Dakhla, and Farafra. After exploring the vast desert landscapes, sail the life-giving Nile River on a luxurious Nile cruise, visiting Luxor, Edfu, Kom Ombo, and Aswan. End your tour in Sharm El Sheikh, where you can relax by the Red Sea, enjoy water sports, and unwind in luxury. This journey is perfect for history enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those looking to experience Egypt's vibrant culture and landscapes in ultimate comfort.
What to Bring with You?
Embark on a journey through Egypt's most iconic destinations and hidden gems with this all-inclusive 15-day tour. From the ancient wonders of Cairo and the Pyramids of Giza to the serene beauty of the White Deserts, this tour offers a deep dive into Egypt's rich cultural heritage, history, and natural wonders. Begin in Cairo with the majestic Pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum, before heading to Alexandria and historic oases like El Minya, Kharga, Dakhla, and Farafra. After exploring the vast desert landscapes, sail the life-giving Nile River on a luxurious Nile cruise, visiting Luxor, Edfu, Kom Ombo, and Aswan. End your tour in Sharm El Sheikh, where you can relax by the Red Sea, enjoy water sports, and unwind in luxury. This journey is perfect for history enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those looking to experience Egypt's vibrant culture and landscapes in ultimate comfort.
What to Bring with You?
Ano, rádi vám pomůžeme. Pokud potřebujete provést změny, například odebrat nebo přidat někoho do rezervace, aktualizovat kontakt nebo změnit datum, bude nejlepší nás kontaktovat e-mailem nebo sms. Někteří organizátoři zájezdů a místní organizátoři nemohou potvrdit zrušení nebo změnu vaší rezervace, jakmile byla potvrzena. V takovém případě jsou případné nestandardní nebo storno podmínky napsány na stránce našich webových stránek.
Pokud si aktivitu přidáte do košíku, uložíme ji na 60 minut. Pokud jich potřebujete více, přidejte si je do seznamu přání, abyste na ně nezapomněli. Mějte však na paměti, že pokud je položka na vašem seznamu přání vyprodaná, nebude možné ji znovu zakoupit.
Jen za málo aktivit se platí rezervační poplatky. V těchto případech je poplatek jasně uveden před rezervací. Tyto poplatky se prosím nemění spolu se stornopoplatky.
Objevte jedinečné zážitky na místech, která chce každý navštívit.